Smith Super Strike Topwater Traveller SS-TT56L3
5'6 ”(carbon), LURE: 7-14g, LINE: 8-14LB, Rod WT: 35.5g, Pack length: 56cm
The tip is a little softer than 6 feet and you can enjoy plugging without compromising the operability of the light plug, and you can also enjoy pulling the bus with the parabolic bending curve.
The development of the topwater pack rod "Top Water Traveler", which was started from the user's request, is convenient for carrying.Considering the weight due to a large number of seams, carbon is used as the material. In order to control the strength of tension, we selected two types of low elasticity materials, set the tip to 10t, the second and third to 15t, and made it a glass-like carbon rod.
In addition, a slipover ferrule has been adopted to create a natural curve without the joints being stretched.
Enjoy full-scale plucking with a convenient "traveler" for fishing on a bicycle or motorcycle, fishing between trips, and so on.